Arkansas's population
is 3,067,732
Race and ethnicity: In 2021, 69.9% of Arkansas residents
were white, 14.8% were Black or African American, and 9.9% were of two or more
races. In 2019, Arkansas residents identified as 79% white, 16% Black, 8%
Hispanic, 2% Asian, 2% two or more races, 1% Native American, and 0.4% Pacific
Gender: About 48.8% of Arkansas residents are male, and
51.2% are female.
Median age: Arkansas's median age is 38.9 ±0.3, which is
similar to the national median age of 39 ±0.1.
· Population density: Arkansas's population density is 51.3 people per square mile
Arkansas's population increased 11 out of the 12 years between 2010 and 2022