California's population
is 38,965,193
Which is a 0.2% decrease from 2022
Much of the
population is centered in several large cities. California
contains the second largest city (Los Angeles), 3 of the largest 10 cities (Los
Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose), and the largest county (Los
Angeles County) in the United States.
By 2030, the population is
projected to surpass 42 million. Population growth has decreased in recent
years, which may affect these projections.
Race: 52.09% White, 15.3% Other race, 14.92% Asian, 10.73%
Two or more races, 5.66% Black or African American, 0.91% Native American,
0.38% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Ethnicity: 39.4% Hispanic or Latino of any race