Idaho's population is 1,939,033
Idaho's population density is
22.3 people per square mile, ranking 44th in the country.
Race: 86.54% White, 5.7% two or more races, 4.3% other
race, 1.36% Asian, 1.26% Native American, 0.68% Black or African American, and
0.17% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Ethnicity: 13.3% Hispanic or Latino, 81.4% White, and 9.4%
two or more races
Education: 28.7% of Idahoans over the age of 25 have a
bachelor's degree or higher, compared to the national average of 32.9%
The majority of Idaho's
population lives in the Snake River Plain, a valley that runs from across
southern Idaho from east to west. The valley contains the major cities of Boise,
Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, and Pocatello