Montana's population is
1,023,579 people
In 2021, Montana's racial breakdown was 85.5% white, 4.3% Hispanic, 0.6%
Black, 6.0% American Indian/Alaska Native, and 1.0% Asian/Pacific Islander.
Montana's median age is around 39.8 years old. The age group 65 and
older is the fastest-growing segment, with 19.6% of the population aged 65 and
older as of 2021.
65% of Montana's population is Christian, 5% is non-Christian, and 30% is
not affiliated with any religion
o 917,000
White (Non-Hispanic) residents in 2021
o 63,000
American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents in 2021
o 36,900
Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents in 2021
o 34.6%
of the population has a bachelor's degree or higher
o 61.1%
of the population is employed
o $67,631
median household income
o $90,142
average household income
$37,837 per capita